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sábado, 7 de maio de 2011

Foto: Mural / photographer: Ligia Dovale-Kiamco / Siberian Tiger in Snowstorm. One of the most dangerous situations of my life as a photographer. We were 4 photographers -- 3 guys and I. The trainer took the tiger to a field, placed a skimpy electric wire in front of us about 2-ft from the ground and asked us to take position and not to move after he let the tiger loose. I was flat with my belly against the ground trying to get a better shot. Well, the tiger came toward me and sat so close that my lens could not even focus -- that is less than 3-ft; and nothing separated me from that tiger. The electric wire was above the tiger's and my head. He could have extended its paw and rip me apart in no time. One of those times when you feel so very vulnerable. I was very happy when it was time to pack up. Photographed in Montana.

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